Kevin Frac

About me

I am a geographer interested in climate, conservation, energy and transportation-related topics. I specialize in geodata analysis, GIS and remote sensing. For geospatial work, I use as well as traditional GIS. I am currently seeking employment.

Projects I’ve worked on

Master’s thesis in Project LiMeS (German only) at Fraunhofer IEE

GeoAI & The Mountain Exile Hypothesis in the Environmental Informatics lab of Philipps University of Marburg


M.Sc. in Physical Geography from Philipps University of Marburg, DE

B.A. in History & German from UNC-Chapel Hill, USA

Kevin Frac

About me

I am a geographer interested in climate, conservation, energy and transportation-related topics. I specialize in geodata analysis, GIS and remote sensing. For geospatial work, I use as well as traditional GIS. I am currently seeking employment.

Projects I’ve worked on

Master’s thesis in Project LiMeS (German only) at Fraunhofer IEE

GeoAI & The Mountain Exile Hypothesis in the Environmental Informatics lab of Philipps University of Marburg


M.Sc. in Physical Geography from Philipps University of Marburg, DE

B.A. in History & German from UNC-Chapel Hill, USA